Excel Community School Staff

The Excel Community School team of dedicated faculty and staff is led by its Principal, Ms. Caroline Arbenser. She is supported by Mrs. Leticia Addo, head of Pre-school, and the school Administrator, Ms Belinda Adade-Quarshie. We recognize that after parents, the teacher’s role is perhaps the most important in fostering an early and lasting love of learning in the child. Our teachers are professionals who are sensitive to the child’s individual needs. Their dedication to providing a safe and nurturing environment helps cultivate self-esteem and develop the talents of all children who come into our care.
The teachers at Excel Community School are all very well qualified and experienced individuals with a genuine love of learning.


Principal Ms. Caroline Arbenser carbenser@excelcs.edu.gh
Head of Preschool Ms. Leticia Addo laddo@excelcs.edu.gh
Administrators Ms. Belinda Adade-Quarshie badade-quarshie@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Patience Tetteh ptetteh@excelcs.edu.gh


Ms. Ellen Thompson ethompson@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Esther Sam esam@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Rachael Okley rokley@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Harriet Ativor hativor@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Rejoice Akwens rakwens@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Dorothy Afagbezi dafagbedzi@excelcs.edu.gh


Ms. Phyllis Ayimadu payimadu@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Becky Nartey bnartey@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Doris Boateng dboateng@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Rachel Anim ranim@excelcs.edu.gh


Ms. Cassandra Kyeremateng ckyeremateng@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Thelma Addo taddo@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Sophia Ghanney sghanney@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Afua Sakyi asakyi@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Yvonne Boateng yboateng@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Sandra Mamana smamana@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Victoria Zortovie vzortovie@excelcs.edu.gh
Grade 1 Ms. Godwin Afoakwah gafoakwah@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Eunice Jones – Lomo ejones-lomo@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Eunice Sowah esowah@excelcs.edu.gh
Grade 2 Ms. Rebecca Okaiteye rokaiteye@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Jennifer Agbo jagbo@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Hellen Addy haddy@excelcs.edu.gh
Grade 3 Ms. Florence Otabil fotabil@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Abena Frempong afrempong@excelcs.edu.gh
Ms. Helene Setse hsetse@excelcs.edu.gh
Grade 4 Ms. Dorcas Mettle dmettle@excelcs.edu.gh
Mr. Stephen Nkrumah snkrumah@excelcs.edu.gh
Mr. Divine Quarshie dquarshie@excelcs.edu.gh
Grade 5 Ms. Emmanuella eatta-poku@excelcs.edu.gh
Mr. Jade Adjah jadjah@excelcs.edu.gh
Grade 6 Ms. Gifty Ade gade@excelcs.edu.gh
Class Teacher Mr. Samuel Ato Yawson ayawson@excelcs.edu.gh
Physical Education Mr. Michael Anteh manteh@excelcs.edu.gh
Mr. Ebenezer Ashiboye eashiboye@excelcs.edu.gh
Creative Arts Mr. Michael Grant mgrant@excelcs.edu.gh
Mr. Samuel Agyei sagyei@excelcs.edu.gh
Science Mr. Samuel Anang sanang@excelcs.edu.gh
Mr. Robert Botchway rbotchway@excelcs.edu.gh
Computing Mr. Mawutor Tengey mtengey@excelcs.edu.gh
Mr. Atta Antwi Danso aantwidanso@excelcs.edu.gh
Music Mr. John Magnus jmagnus@excelcs.edu.gh
Mr. Eli Manuel emanuel@excelcs.edu.gh



Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 7.00 - 18.30
